“Don’t act as if you’re so innocent and people actually like you. If you only knew the shit people say about you behind your back”.
Yeah, I know a handful of people don’t like me, I don’t expect everyone to like me. It’s impossible to ask for such a thing. I don’t mind if people hate me. I don’t care what others have to say about me, to my face or behind my back. You could call me fake all you want, saying I’m putting up a front. In the end, no matter what your opinion is, I’m doing me. I know that and that’s all that really matters. I never asked anyone to like me. I was never trying to win the hearts of thousands. You could all hate me secretly or publicly. It’s honestly just whatever. As you grow up you make a lot of friends and you lose mostly all of them. What people need to learn and accept is that we are just people, people to interact with and make life more enjoyable and less bland. Even if it means drama and conflict, we will continue to go back to the human race for comfort and entertainment. You could put labels and titles on everything, saying you’re bestfriends, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever. It doesn’t really matter. As long as the human brain still functions, people will continue to talk.
Screw all the negative comments thrown at you and turn it into something positive. Haters will be your motivation while Lovers will be your inspiration. Brush all the hate off as if it were nothing. Because it really is nothing. Through thick and thin, you’ll find out who your true friends are and most of all, you’ll find out where you stand.

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