My view on gay, lesbian, and bisexual people.

To be honest, I don’t get what’s wrong with being gay, lesbian, or bi. They’re just human with feelings too. They’re just people. Don’t need to criticize them, no need to hate them. There are people who goes beyond ignorance, just because they’re gay, lesbian, or bi. I mean seriously? Just leave them be. If they like a guy and they like each other, then so be it. If they like a girl and they like each other then so be it. If they roll both way, then that’s them not you. As long as they’re happy, as long as they don’t hurt anyone around them, then what’s the problem? They’re just like us. They’re similar to people who are straight, just they either roll one way or another. There’s no problem with that, absolutely shouldn’t be.

It’s their life, they already have it hard enough, most of the time. They do know that there will be people who wouldn’t accept them, just because they’re not straight. There are some people who are still stuck in the closet and afraid to come out, because of rejections. There are some people who wish they can just come out and be okay with it, but they know they’ll have to face harsh judgments from people, rather if it’s from strangers, friends, families, and most of all their parents. There are some people who are still fighting for acceptance.

There are parents who wouldn’t accept them and honestly? That’s a bit cruel. They should love their children for who they are. Yes, it is hard to accept it at first, but sometimes all you can do it accept them because that’s all they’ll ever be. It’s not like they can change their feelings and force themselves to love someone they’re not interested in.

Acceptance is beautiful, but when it comes to rejection, it crush them. Honestly, love shouldn’t have a specific gender. Love shouldn’t matter with race. Love doesn’t have an age. Love doesn’t have a certain specific information/ definition that you must love the opposite gender. Love is just a feeling that you learn to define on your own. Love is just love, no?

I admire people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. I don’t know why, but I just do. Maybe, it’s because they know that they have to fight through a lot of things and overcome their obstacles. I really admire them, because they put up with all the shit they don’t even deserve. I accept them, nevertheless. They’re beautiful people too.

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