Quite often, people get confused in where others stand in their lives. It’s not really something you may think about regularly. Sometimes not even at all. Sometimes it sucks not knowing where you personally stand in someone else’s life as well. It could be frustrating as hell. Not everyone is the same in this world. Not everyone get’s along, not everyone clicks like how other’s do. But that’s life. To me, this is how I see it:
Strangers: These people are people whom you do not know anything of. They could hold absolute no existence in your life all the way to some, but very little existence. You may encounter them many times in your life, but as long as you there is no connection between the two of you, strangers is as far as it gets. These people hold a very slim to no amount of trust of yours. You can’t depend of them to do anything for you. That’s just the way it is.
Acquaintances: This is one step close to being ‘Friends’. Just because you know of each other, doesn’t mean you know each other. Keyword: of. Even with that said, you could know a handful about someone and still hold this title. As much as it’s the cold hard truth, let’s face it, most of us are just acquaintances. You’re easily replaceable. These people come and go more than cars at a gas station. We could mask this non-existant pain when one leaves, but do we care? Barely. Acquaintances are people are are there but in the distance. Let’s not let the term ‘Facebook Friends’ fool us. We are most likely friends of friends, classmates, teammates, relatives, etc. Maybe we were once friends that just don’t anymore. There is a vague line between the two. If someone asks, we always say, “Of course you’re my friend”. But what we really mean? “No, you’re just an acquaintance. I barely even know you.
Friends: These people are hard to come by. Friends are like family to you. They’d do anything for you and you’d do anything for them. These are the people you can really trust to be there for you when times are hard. These are people you talk to regularly. The people you could call up anytime and ask to hang out. The ones that’ll sugar coat shit just to see you happy and cheer you up. The people that aren’t two faced and won’t back stab you. The one’s that you can honestly trust. Maybe not fully, but there’s a lot where it comes from. There’s many people who are fake, who will pretend to your friend to get something out of you. Fuck em. They don’t even deserve a category in your life. They’re just ‘Whatever’. I’m pretty sure you only have about 5-100 friends currently in your life. Everyone is just an acquaintance, and there’s nothing wrong with that. They do hold importance in your life, just not as much as friends.
Bestfriends: To me, you could only have one bestfriend at a time. You could call everyone a bestfriend, but in reality, there’s always that one person you’d want to go to for just about everything. They’re the ones you could honestly fully trust. Everyone else are just close friends, closer than your other. There could be one best. Bestfriends are always there for each other, they’re not just like family, but like brothers and sisters. Your bond is nearly unbreakable. It would take a big pile of dinosaur shit to tear you apart. This is the person you want to come home and talk to after a long day of school, work, sports, or whatever. The person you’d want to talk to til you fall asleep. These are people you don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it’s as if you didn’t even stop talking. These people will NEVER ever lie to you. They will be truthful with you even if it wont make you happy. They’re understanding and respectable to your feelings, wants, and needs. Each and every bestfriendship is different but you do consider each other your best for whatever reason. Nothing could get better than this, unless you fall in love with your bestfriend then nothing beats that.
All in all, people need to swallow their pride, put aside their egos and know their place. It’s not bad to be an acquaintance. It’s not bad to be just a friend and nothing more than that. It’s nothing to get butt-hurt over. Yeah, I guess the truth hurts sometimes. But hey, you have your own life to live, why worry about someone else’s and what they think of you. Everyone’s views are different. You could be a friend to someone, but they could just be a stranger to you and vice versa. People come and go. There will be more people who will benefit you in the future, near or far.
Strangers: These people are people whom you do not know anything of. They could hold absolute no existence in your life all the way to some, but very little existence. You may encounter them many times in your life, but as long as you there is no connection between the two of you, strangers is as far as it gets. These people hold a very slim to no amount of trust of yours. You can’t depend of them to do anything for you. That’s just the way it is.
Acquaintances: This is one step close to being ‘Friends’. Just because you know of each other, doesn’t mean you know each other. Keyword: of. Even with that said, you could know a handful about someone and still hold this title. As much as it’s the cold hard truth, let’s face it, most of us are just acquaintances. You’re easily replaceable. These people come and go more than cars at a gas station. We could mask this non-existant pain when one leaves, but do we care? Barely. Acquaintances are people are are there but in the distance. Let’s not let the term ‘Facebook Friends’ fool us. We are most likely friends of friends, classmates, teammates, relatives, etc. Maybe we were once friends that just don’t anymore. There is a vague line between the two. If someone asks, we always say, “Of course you’re my friend”. But what we really mean? “No, you’re just an acquaintance. I barely even know you.
Friends: These people are hard to come by. Friends are like family to you. They’d do anything for you and you’d do anything for them. These are the people you can really trust to be there for you when times are hard. These are people you talk to regularly. The people you could call up anytime and ask to hang out. The ones that’ll sugar coat shit just to see you happy and cheer you up. The people that aren’t two faced and won’t back stab you. The one’s that you can honestly trust. Maybe not fully, but there’s a lot where it comes from. There’s many people who are fake, who will pretend to your friend to get something out of you. Fuck em. They don’t even deserve a category in your life. They’re just ‘Whatever’. I’m pretty sure you only have about 5-100 friends currently in your life. Everyone is just an acquaintance, and there’s nothing wrong with that. They do hold importance in your life, just not as much as friends.
Bestfriends: To me, you could only have one bestfriend at a time. You could call everyone a bestfriend, but in reality, there’s always that one person you’d want to go to for just about everything. They’re the ones you could honestly fully trust. Everyone else are just close friends, closer than your other. There could be one best. Bestfriends are always there for each other, they’re not just like family, but like brothers and sisters. Your bond is nearly unbreakable. It would take a big pile of dinosaur shit to tear you apart. This is the person you want to come home and talk to after a long day of school, work, sports, or whatever. The person you’d want to talk to til you fall asleep. These are people you don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it’s as if you didn’t even stop talking. These people will NEVER ever lie to you. They will be truthful with you even if it wont make you happy. They’re understanding and respectable to your feelings, wants, and needs. Each and every bestfriendship is different but you do consider each other your best for whatever reason. Nothing could get better than this, unless you fall in love with your bestfriend then nothing beats that.
All in all, people need to swallow their pride, put aside their egos and know their place. It’s not bad to be an acquaintance. It’s not bad to be just a friend and nothing more than that. It’s nothing to get butt-hurt over. Yeah, I guess the truth hurts sometimes. But hey, you have your own life to live, why worry about someone else’s and what they think of you. Everyone’s views are different. You could be a friend to someone, but they could just be a stranger to you and vice versa. People come and go. There will be more people who will benefit you in the future, near or far.
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